“The research results show that the fractional 1550-nm Er:Glass laser is an effective and safe treatment device for atrophic acne scars. Quick healing greatly decreases the risk and extent of such adverse effects as hyperpigmentation, delayed erythema, and even scar formation.”
Associate chief physician, Associate Professor Department of Dermatology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University
“Our experience is really satisfactory (in terms of results and speed) after more than a year of use, especially in patients with vitiligo (90% of repigmentation) and in PPP tables (100% of patients with improvement)."
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of La Laguna
「GSD Ultralite IPLはニキビ紅斑に大きな効果があり、臨床推進に値する治療法です。」
「GSD Eximal (308nm エキシマライト) は、合併症や重大な副作用を引き起こすことなく、皮膚の色素をある程度回復させるための安全で信頼できる方法です。治療は簡単で便利で、痛みもありません。」
「白斑の治療にGSD 308nmエキシマライトを使用することにより、重大な副作用は認められませんでした。薬物療法との併用治療により、より早期の色素沈着が達成されました。」
IADVL インド皮膚科医協会 VENEREOLOGIST および leprologists 2020 会長
"Combining MFRF and SFRF produced excellent results in treating photoaged skin, with shortlived and manageable side effects. It's a safe, well-tolerated, and effective therapy for rejuvenating photoaged skin."