The Trio handle combines 755/810/1064nm wavelength, which releases triple wavelengths laser simultaneously to target different depths of hair follicles for more effective results.
It delivers Ultra Short Pulse to heat hair follicles uniformly to an optimal temperature without heating the epidermis. It provides maximum safety, comfort, and efficiency treatments for all skin types.
Fast mode is preset with clinically proven parameters for different body parts. The intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it easy to operate.
Une poignée Triolite plus légère et compacte est nouvellement ajoutée à la plateforme Coolite BOLT pour une nouvelle pratique du raffermissement de la peau.
Powerful cooling engines and sapphire touch cooling system minimize the burning risk on the skin surface while maintaining the heat within dermis where hair follicles are treated.
The premium quality laser generator is anti-condensation, dustproof and waterproof. GSD offers 2 years unlimited shots warranty. No consumables.
High absorptivity of melanin, short wavelength, superficial penetration. It's recommended for treating light-color skin (phototypes I-III) with soft, fine, and shallow hair. It's also indicated for removing the residual hair of the last sessions.
Gold standard wavelength for hair removal. Perfect absorptivity and penetration depth. Suitable for all skin types and all body parts. Especially recommended for heavy hair and first sessions.
Near-infrared light. Relatively low absorptivity of melanin. Long wavelength, deep penetration up to 10mm. Suitable for deep hair and dark skin type (phototypes IV-V).
Nouvelle pratique anti-âge
L'émission simultanée de trois longueurs d'onde chauffe les ligaments et stimule le collagène pour créer des résultats de resserrement immédiats.
Pendant ce temps, l'effet thermique accélère le métabolisme cutané pour se resserrer,
éclaircir la peau et rétrécir les pores, etc.
The biggest difference between them is the working principle. Fiber Coupled Diode Laser slowly heat the epidermis and dermis of the skin in order to force the melanin in the follicle to absorb energy, eventually perish. On he contrary, High Power Diode Laser directly target the melanin and destroy the follicle with its high power energy heat.
Treatment area include face, torso, arms,underarms, legs and any area you need.
Yes. Our device provides different wavelength of laser light in order to accept patients with different skin colors.
It depends on the size of the treatment area, vary from several minutes to dozens of minutes. The working mode and spot size you choose may also influence the treatment time.
The IPL treatment process will be more mild than the laser one.But on the other hand it may also takes you more sessions to finish the treatment. So it’s depend on your need and time arrangement.
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