
When you get psoriasis what could it lead to


Few things you need to know about psoriasis: Disease itself and its affect

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects up to 7.5 million people in the United States alone. It is characterized by red, scaly patches of skin that can be itchy and uncomfortable. While there is no cure for psoriasis, there are a range of treatments available that can help manage the symptoms and reduce flare-ups. One of these treatments is light therapy, also known as phototherapy, which has been used to treat psoriasis for over 50 years. In today’s chapter, GSD will discuss different light therapies for psoriasis and what’s the best method to help treat the disease.


olaplex psoriasis photos

What is Light Therapy?

Light therapy for psoriasis is a treatment that uses narrow band ultraviolet B (UVB) light or ultraviolet A (UVA) light to reduce the severity of psoriasis symptoms. It is a non-invasive treatment that is usually administered in a doctor’s office or a specialized light therapy clinic. The light from the lamps is aimed at the affected areas of skin, and the patient is exposed to the light for a set period of time. During this time, the skin absorbs the UV light, which helps to reduce the inflammation and itching associated with psoriasis. Excimer UV-light is a type of phototherapy that uses a specific wavelength of UVB light to target psoriasis plaques, which usually means better performances during the therapy process.


Light therapy is a safe and effective treatment for psoriasis, and is often used in combination with other treatments such as topical creams and medications. It is also an affordable option, as it does not require any drugs or surgery and can be administered in a doctor’s office.

Benefits of Excimer Light for Psoriasis

Excimer UV-Light is an effective treatment for psoriasis. It can reduce the severity of symptoms and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Studies have shown that this therapy is particularly effective for treating plaque psoriasis, which is the most common type of psoriasis. Other benefits of light therapy for psoriasis include:


Reduced inflammation and itching: The Excimer UV-Light from the lamps helps to reduce inflammation and itching associated with psoriasis. This can provide relief from discomfort and help to improve the quality of life for people with psoriasis.

Improved appearance of the skin: This therapy can help to improve the appearance of the skin by reducing redness and scaling. This can help to boost self-esteem and confidence in people with psoriasis.

Low risk of side effects: Excimer UV-Light therapy is a low-risk treatment, as there are no drugs or surgery involved. It is generally safe and well tolerated by most people.

Traditional Light Therapy Method for Psoriasis

There are several different traditional types of light therapy that can be used to treat psoriasis, including UVB, UVA, PUVA, and photodynamic therapy (PDT).


UVB: UVB therapy involves exposing the skin to narrow band or broadband ultraviolet B light. It is a safe and effective treatment for psoriasis and can help to reduce inflammation and itching.


UVA: UVA therapy involves exposing the skin to long wave ultraviolet A light. It is often used in combination with medications such as coal tar or psoralen to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.


PUVA: PUVA therapy involves exposing the skin to long wave ultraviolet A light in combination with a medication called psoralen. This treatment is more effective than UVA therapy alone, but it carries a higher risk of side effects.


PDT: Photodynamic therapy involves exposing the skin to a special type of light in combination with a photosensitizing medication. This treatment is used to target specific areas of psoriasis and can help to reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of the skin.


Compared to traditional UVB phototherapy, excimer therapy is more effective at clearing psoriasis plaques with fewer treatments required. It also has fewer side effects than PUVA therapy, which requires the use of photosensitizing drugs. Excimer therapy can be used to target specific areas of the body, making it a good option for localized psoriasis. However, it may not be as effective for more widespread psoriasis. PDT is a newer treatment that is not typically used for psoriasis, but rather for other skin conditions such as skin cancer.


At GSD we can provide you with our latest treating machine for psoriasis which called Eximal Elite. This is a high efficient machine not only safe but also with large spot size for treatment, help saving your time and sessions during this period. We use 308nm single wavelength which directly on localizing plaques and protect the skin that are not influenced. Painless, harmless and speed high. If you are considering about accepting the light therapy, Eximal Elite may give you the best effort for UV-Light treatment.


psoriasis before and after

How to Prepare for a psoriasis treatment

Before starting therapy for psoriasis, it is important to know about the risks of the treatment. We may also recommend that you take precautions such as avoiding sun exposure and wearing protective clothing during treatment. You should also let us know about any medications you are taking, as some of them may interact with the light.


It is also important to follow the instructions for preparation. This may include avoiding certain skin care products and wearing loose-fitting clothing during treatment. If you are receiving the therapy, we may also recommend that you avoid sun exposure for a few days before and after your treatment.

What to expect from the treatment for psoriasis

During the treatment, the affected areas of skin are exposed to the light from the lamps for a set period of time. The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of the psoriasis.


Most people experience some relief from their symptoms after the first treatment, although it may take several treatments before the full effects are seen. It is also important to note that this light treatment does not cure psoriasis, but instead helps to manage the symptoms.

Psoriasis research between light therapies

Light therapy has been used to treat psoriasis for over 50 years, and there is a growing body of research into its effectiveness. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found that compare with UVB, UVA, and PUVA therapies Excimer UV-Light may had a better positive performance on psoriasis symptoms. The study also found that Excimer UV-Light was more effective than other forms of light therapy in reducing the severity of psoriasis symptoms, although more research is needed to confirm the findings.


Another recent study found that UVB and UVA therapies can be effective in reducing the severity of psoriasis symptoms, but that the effects may not be long-lasting. The study also found that the benefits of light therapy may be dependent on the type of light used and the frequency of treatment.


Excimer UV-Light therapy is a safe and effective treatment for psoriasis. It can reduce the severity of symptoms, improve the appearance of the skin, and help to improve the quality of life for people with psoriasis. If you’ve got the interest for accepting the sessions or buying this machine for light therapy in your own clinics or hospitals. You are always welcomed to contact with GSD Aesthetics, we will be waiting and provide the best solution for your demand and questions.